



  Road to Carbon Neutrality: China releases 'blue book' on low-emission development



  By: CGTN  Date:2021-12-30

  China haspublished updates and plans for low-carbon development, as it sets out to peakemissions in the next eight years and become carbon-neutral by 2060. Guo Tianqireports.

  China believes its energy transition willinevitably be painful. But it says it is striving to achieve carbon emissiongoals through a combination of industry experts and scholars.

  The country's State Power InvestmentCorporation has co-written a report with the China Center for InternationalEconomic Exchanges, which touches on the "energy trilemma." It saysthe global situation makes clear that energy security, equity and ecology needdynamic balance through proper policies.

  HE YONGJIAN Dean, Strategic ResearchInstitute, China's State Power Investment Corporation "Enterprises providepractice to think tanks, and think tanks can reflect on the difficulties ofenterprises up to the decision-making level."

  In China, most state-owned energy firms areleading the transition to renewable sources. This year alone, the five majorpower generation groups invested a total of 353 million kilowatts in newenergy. Analysts say China's carbon goals also set a new growth point for itseconomy.

  JING CHUNMEI Director-General, Institute ofEnergy Policy Studies, China Center for International Economic Exchanges"The European Union needs to invest 31 trillion US dollars to achievecarbon neutrality. China needs 21 trillion US dollars to achieve the same goal.This provides a huge space for industry iteration."

  China also launched some large-scale measuresthis year aimed at carbon reduction, such as power rationing. At a key economicwork conference, however, officials noted that actions should be in moderation.

  GUO TIANQI Beijing "Experts say China'scarbon target must be based on its coal-based energy grid, and ensure reducingemissions don't come at the cost of energy security and the economy. GUOTIANQI, CGTN, Beijing."









